Vlad Tepes Dracula and his internal policy

Vlad Tepes Dracula had three aims: to strengthen the country’s economy, its defensive system and his own political power. He took measures for the peasants’ wellbeing by building new villages and raising the agricultural surfaces. One of Vlad Dracula’s merits was that he understood the importance of trade for the development of his country. He applied some protectionist actions affecting especially the monopoly of the Saxon merchants. He helped Wallachian merchants by limiting foreigner merchants’ trades only to three marketRead More

Exploring Romania a never boring experience

Exploring Romania is your practical guide investigating Romania’s spectacular scenery, its outdoors activities (hiking, cycling, caving, horse riding and more), its history and its cultural and spiritual heritage. Here you’ll be introduced to the Romanian people. Everything from their customs to their traditional handcrafts and even their humour. A Romanian proverb says “good thoughts always pass first through your stomach”. So, in the traditional Romanian hosting spirit, you’ll be invited to try Romanian food and wine. Why is exploring Romania a unique experience?Read More

Haggis recipe the Romanian name being “drob de miel”

Haggis is the Romanian national Easter food. Even I used the name of the traditional Scottish food and the food is based on lamb organs the Romanian recipe is quite different. The differences? Well, it’s an Easter food. The sacrificed lamb means the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. So, we use lamb, not sheep. I don’t know how (Easter isn’t a fixed date holiday) but we always find fresh lambs before Easter. Then it’s spring time. We use a lot ofRead More

Dracula’s religion and churches Religious? Orthodox? Or simply having faith?

If you ask a Snagov or Comana monk about Vlad the Impaler they proudly tell you Vlad Dracula’s religion was orthodox but he was also a great Christian because he fought against Ottomans invasion. Well, I think his fight wasn’t a Christian crusade. He simply wanted the freedom of his country. He knew how bad could be under Turks administration and the high price Romanian people had to pay: not only money and products, but also innocent lives of their childrenRead More

Romanian Christmas food the most loved food by both Romanian and foreigners

Romanian Christmas food is soooooo special. And tasty. My mouth is already watering. That’s why you can find it all over the year not only in Christmas time. I don’t make a mistake when I say on Christmas every Romanian family have on their table sarmale, caltabosi, carnati and toba. Below you’ll find short explanations of these words (and many others) and in the future their recipes. All of them being part of the traditional Christmas food in Romania. RomanianRead More

Romanian pastrami recipe a bit of history and few recipes

I’ll give you the Romanian pastrami recipe in a moment, but first I have to tell you a bit of its history in order to understand the ups and downs of this recipe. For those interested to cook this recipe is better to understand what means the traditional recipe, and what they can do to be close to it. Did you know that the US pastrami recipe is very close to the Romanian “pastrama” recipe? Yes, “pastrama” is the Romanian nameRead More

Romania National Parks an open gate for mind and soul, pure serenity moments

Let’s go on a virtual trip through National Parks of Romania. In fact, it’s a tour through 11 National Parks and 7 Natural Parks. As well as through many other marvellous natural places from Romania. There is also a National Park Biosphere Reservation of Danube Delta. It’s quite a different thing, right? Interested?   Now! Back to National Parks. Interested in a particular one? Detailed information can be useful. Undecided in choosing one? Explore all of them through pictures, travel stories and useful information.Read More

Sweet bread recipe the Romanian name being “cozonac”

Sweet bread (cozonac – the Romanian for panetone) is the Romanian traditional cake for all holidays: Easter or Christmas, wedding or christening. Every Romanian woman has a recipe from her mother. My grandma always cooks huge quantities of sweet bread for Easter or Christmas. She kneads the dough in two large troughs and she makes 12-15 pieces of sweet bread. She has a brick kiln in the backyard (special built for all homemade bakeries) and cooks them all at once.Read More

Romanian food simple and so delicious

First of all Romanian food is based on pork. Well, not all! We use chicken, fish, beef and mutton, too. But we love pork. And we use ingredients that can be found everywhere in the world. Then… what does it make Romanian food so special? Back to history. Romanian territories were occupied by Turks, Hungarians, Austrians, Poles, Russians. And we are still a Latin people. Where in the world would you find such a mixture? At countryside people still use clayRead More

Vlad Tepes punishments in the context of European punishments of Dark Edge

Professor Constantin Rezachevici, the author of “Punishments with Vlad Tepes – Punishments in Europe” article, is chief researcher at the Nicolae Iorga National Institute of History, a member of the Romanian Academy, and Professor at the Faculty of History from the University of Bucharest. He is author of The History of the Neighbouring Countries and the Romanian People in the Middle Ages (1998). It happens to discover this article in “Journal of Dracula Studies” no.8 (will open a new windowRead More